
Application PCB Designer

 Application PCB Designer or Layout software instal Use Very Easy

This time I will give a little tutorial on the application PCB Designer / pcb simulation / pcb circuit / program pcb as follows:

[-] download the application PCB DESIGNER

[-] install the application PCB Designer.

[-] function the application PCB Designer

[-] uninstall the application PCB Designer

Before discussing some tutorial above I will give a little information and an overview of the application PCB Designer as follows:

# Understanding the application  PCB Designer

 Application PCB Designer is an application that is used to create layouts on the circuit example (the series of twilight switches, dimers, AC Neon, etc.) pcb design and simulation software .Therefore this application is very important in the process of loading the circuit layout is nice and neat.

# Menu on the application PCB Designer

- File 
- Edit
- Broad 
- Text 
- Snap
- Window 
- Help

So that I can convey information about the application PCB Designer .
directly course I will discuss about how to install the application PCB Designer as follows:

 A. how to install the application PCB Designer  

steps - steps as follows: 
 1. Open the application setup on a PCB Designer.
 2. Then you will be given the option to choose the language is English and french .(i suggest choosing English.)
3. Continue existing storage placement on the application PCB Designer select (c: / pcb) => then press OK.

4. Wait for the installation process the application PCB Designer approximately takes about 10 seconds => and press YES.

if you are not clear with the above tutorial you can also see video tutorial install the application PCB Designer below:

A few tutorials how to install applications PCB Designer, directly course we will discuss how use to application PCB Layout Designer for the manufacture of the circuit.

 READ TO Application EWB

B. Use of the application PCB Layout Designer 

function application pcb designer is a 
  1. layout 
  2. circuit broad designer
  3. pcb program
  4. printer broad
  5. linux pcb
as the manufacture of circuit or pcb simulation
Steps - his steps as follows:

1. Open the application PCB Designer.

2. This time I will give an example of a string of a very simple and easy that a string layout Dimer.
FUNCTION Dimer is as a regulator circuit and the dimming of the light of his light on the light bulb.

3. List the name of the component as follows:
   a. Lamp
   b. TRIAC
   c. DIAC
   e. NE
   4. Draw a string layout Dimer switch.

if you are not clear / not familiar with the above tutorial .You can see VIDEOS about tutorial instal application PCB Designer as follows:

C How to Uninstall Applications PCB Designer  (Electronic Workbench)

Steps instal application PCB Dsigner
the following: 
 1. Go to Start => contol panel.
 2. Select the programs.

 3. Select a program and features.

 4. Locate and then click the application PCB several times on applications PCB Designer Until the screan like this.
 5. Select YES.
 6. Select OK.
 7. If uinstal successfully as shown below.

 READ TO Application Proteus ISIS,ARES

Tutorial so that I can convey about the application PCB Designer, if you do not clear can ask in the comments.
Thank you very much for his visit.
  thank you very much


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