
Application Proteus Profesional 8

Application Proteus Professional 8 Instal Use ISIS Dan ARES for Window xp and window 7

This time I will give some of the applications tutorial Proteus (ISIS AND ARES) as follows:  
  1. download application proteus 
  2. How to install  proteus
  3. How to use the ISIS
  4. How to use the application Proteus
  5. Uninstall how to make Proteus
Before learner tutorial above .I will give a little information about Proteus professional applications as follows:


Proteus Professional VERSION 7adalah application that serves for the schematic simulation, microprocessors, and PCB desainer.  in proteus application there are two components, namely ISIS serves as a tool for designing. ARES serves to learn about designing a PCB with the component placement VSM (Virtual System Modelling), automatic (auto routing) etc.

# Introduction Features of PROTEUS is as follows:

 1. Supports various types of analog components.
 2. Supports various types of microcontroller (ATMEGA, PIC, etc.).
 3. Support the open architects in making a string.
 4. The manufacture of PCBs (ISIS) program to PCB makers to (ARES)
.5. Supports virtual like amper meter, voltmeter, oscciloscope, logic analyzer, etc.
 6. Support the bus type and pin components, modules and pathways por
.7. Have the ability to display many different types such as AC, DC, transient, frequency, noise and distortion, etc.
 8. Having facilities report to the mistakes of the design and simulation of electric
.9. Can operate in window xp / 7/8 and the latest window

A few of my information I just give a little information about the application proteus

Download Application Proteus 

  1. fist open your broswer
  2. then open link   http://www.labcenter.com/download/prodemo_download.cfm#professional
  3. then download application proteus

A. How to installing the Application Proteus

1. Locate the application that you have downloaded proteus Then click several times 

2. Then press next => 

 3. i agree to choose the .... after click next =>

4. then fill in the following data:
    a. name (name) = window 7.
    b. company

5. after press next =>

6. then press next =>

7. choose install shout cuts for ..... then press next =>

8. Press next =>

9. Wait for the installation process after press finish

if you are not clear with the tutorial above, you can see the video toturial installing applications Proteus below:

so tutorial how to install proteus application, skip to the next tutorial that tutorial ISIS application usage.

# Definition of application  ISIS  

    application to function as a string to make a nice and tidy, making a string of examples of the most easy is to make the circuit (switch dusk, dimer, ac neon and others). and this time I will give tutorial how to create a string using the ISIS application as follows:

B. Use of the ISIS application

this time I will make a string of simple application using ISIS.

#Step Steps to make the series as follows:

1. open the ISIS application.

2. prepare parts - the following components:
  a. ATMEGA 32. 
  b. LED biby.  
  c. Minres 10k.
  d. LM016L
  e. Compin.

3. suite all these components as shown below:

4. finished.

Articles on Proteus application so that I can convey, thanks.

Related article:

C How to Uninstall Application PROTEUS

Steps instal application EWB (Electronic Workbench) 
the following: 
 1. Go to Start => contol panel.
 2. Select the programs.

 3. Select a program and features.

 4. Locate and then click the application EWB several times on applications EWB (Electronic   Workbench)Until the screan like this.
 5. Select YES.
 6. Select OK.
 7. If uinstal successfully as shown below.

 READ TO Application Proteus ISIS,ARES

Completed applications EWB application has been uninstalled and has been missing from your computer.

 NB: if not already familiar with how to uninstall the application tutorial EWB application you can see the video tutorial this

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